Newsletter: Sunday, March 27, 2022
March 25, 2022, 9:00 AM

St. John’s Episcopal Church 


Lenten Tidbits:  “Jesus does not come down from Heaven each day to live in the golden ciborium.  Jesus comes down to find another heaven He cherishes infinitely more than the first, the Heaven of our souls, made in His image, the living temple of the Most Blessed Trinity! Terese of Lisieux

During Lent St. John’s is having evening prayer each Wednesday at 5:30 in the chapel.


Friday, March 25, at NOON, Feast of the Annunciation.  Rev. Russ Snapp will be our guest priest in the church.  Everyone is invited.

Social distancing will be practiced in church and temperature checks and hand sanitizer are available as you enter.  Ushers will direct congregation to the altar rail pew by pew for communion to promote social distancing.  The church is professionally sanitized each week using an ozone generator. Thank you for your help.


Dates to mark in your calendar:

Lenten midweek evening prayer each Wednesday at 5:30.

March 25….Feast of the Annunciation service at NOON (Rev. Russ Snapp)

April 10....Palm Sunday

April 13….Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm in the church

April 14....Maundy Thursday service at 6:00 pm in the church

April 15....Good Friday service at noon in the church

April 17.... Easter Sunday




Worship:  March 27, the Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with Rev. Danny Schieffler

Readings: Fourth Sunday in Lent: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32




Please keep the following in your prayers: Debra Richardson, Kathy Sullivan, Parker Pace, Courtney Turner, Jo Boone Wild, Kathleen Gibson, Cole Jefferies, Carol Spencer, Bonnie & Charles Rowland, Jo Liddy, Janet Juengel, Jim Howe, Cliff Clark, Sylvia Ross, Linda Dowling,  and Susan Taylor.



Grace Food Pantry: plastic bags go in the labeled container in the narthex.



March 23, Wed, at 5:30 pm: Lenten Evening Payer at St. John’s Episcopal Chapel

LEM:   Mike Fielder


March 25, Friday, at NOON at St. John’s Episcopal Church

LEM & Acolyte:  Ann Lee 

Ushers:  Lorraine Ferryman  

Altar Guild:  Susan Carter & Angie Fielder   


March 27, Sunday, at 10:30 at St. John’s Episcopal Church

Lay Eucharist Minister:  Allison Biederman

Acolyte: Ed Pat Wright                                                                                                                                                                              Altar Guild:  Julie Pittman


Ushers: Dana Kurts & Tap Jennings

Video - Facebook:  Julie Pittman

Altar Flowers:  Jim Howe


Lenten Listening:  Wed. noon at First United Methodist Church  


Lilies order form below.


CDC COVID-19 guidelines are listed below to help determine what risk level is advisable for St. John’s according to the number of cases in our county. 

✝️   💟  ✝️

For those that cannot attend in person, there will be live streaming on Facebook. 

The new link for Sunday service is:

Facebook Group:  Events and Pictures of St. John’s Episcopal Church; Helena, AR


St. John’s Church Office:     

Phone:  870-338-8115


Mailing address:  P.O. Box 770, Helena, AR 72342






I/We would like to order _________ Easter Lilies at $18 each.


Given by:________________________________________________




In Memory of: ____________________________________________




In Honor of/ In Thanksgiving for: _____________________________





Please make all checks payable to St John’s Episcopal Church







The following protocols are all vestry approved and will be implemented when the CDC COVID-19 level in our county reaches each risk level. Your patience, cooperation and respect for your fellow man are greatly appreciated.  The vestry sincerely hopes and prays that our CDC COVID-19 risk level will remain low or become unnecessary.


Vestry approved

 COVID-19 protocols mandated during ALL CDC RISK LEVELS

  1. Social distancing mandated at all times.
  2. People with COVID symptoms, a positive COVID test, or exposure to someone with COVID should not attend church until they are no longer a risk to others.
  3. Peace will be passed remaining in one’s pew, but one may wave or hold up peace sign to others from your pew.
  4. Social distancing between households at the communion rail.



Vestry approved

 COVID-19 protocols during LOW CDC RISK LEVELS in county

1.  Hands-free sanitizer and thermometer available.

2.  Social distancing mandated at all times.

3.  Usher return to steps, not guiding congregation pew by pew.

4.  Masks NOT required, but may be worn.

5. At Communion both wine and wafer offered with 3 options:

        a.  One may receive both wafer and wine as done regularly.

b.  One may receive wine by intinction. (The dipping of the wafer into the wine in the chalice)

               c.  If receiving only the wafer, one remains kneeling in prayer, hands crossed over chest until the people in front of you have                            received wine.

(In other words, do not leave altar rail after receiving only the wafer, but wait until the people kneeling to the right of you have received the wine and then leave the altar rail.)

Celebrant and LEM will sanitize their hands before and wear masks as they administer the sacraments.

6.  No Gospel procession with the LEM, only with acolyte.

7.  Still no passing the peace except with people on the pew with you. Feel free to wave or hold the peace sign up to others from your pew.

8.Events with food may be held outside freely and events with food may be held inside with social distancing.


Vestry approved

COVID -19 protocols during CDC MEDIUM RISK LEVEL

  1. Hand sanitizing and taking temperature highly recommended.
  2. Masks become mandatory while singing indoors.
  3. Eucharist: 2 options
  1. wafers and wine only by intinction.
  2.  Wafer only but remaining at the altar rail until the chalice has passed by
  1. Gospel procession with no LEM holding Gospel Book, only the acolyte carrying the cross.
  2. Celebrant, LEM and acolyte must wear masks while they are singing and when administering the sacraments.
  3. Choir must wear masks when singing.
  4. The Passing of the Peace only with those in your pew but may wave or hold up peace sign to all others.
  5.  No activities that involve food/eating indoors, but may take place outside.


Vestry approved

COVID-19 protocols during CDC HIGH RISK LEVEL

  1. Hand sanitizing and hands-free temperature taking mandatory.
  2. Masks mandatory at ALL times.
  3. Eucharist: Wafers only and standing at the altar gate to receive. No kneeling.
  4.  Gospel procession with no LEM, acolyte may still carry cross, wearing a mask.
  5.  Celebrant, LEM, acolyte and choir must wear masks.  LEM  may remove mask for all readings from the lectern and while leading the Prayers of the people. Celebrant may remove mask for Gospel reading, Sermon, Blessings, salutation, collects, Great Thanksgiving, Eucharistic prayer and dismissal.
  6. No service music: Gloria, Doxology, Sanctus, and Fraction anthem are spoken.
  7. Passing of peace with only immediate family in your pew.
  8. No activities with food and no large indoor gatherings such as    annual meetings etc.